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File Created: 12-May-1997 by Robert (Bob) A. Lane (RAL)
Last Edit:  12-May-1997 by Robert (Bob) A. Lane (RAL)

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Name GOAT RIVER, HILL Mining Division Cariboo
BCGS Map 093H048
Status Showing NTS Map 093H07E
Latitude 053º 29' 00'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 34' 05'' Northing 5928793
Easting 661366
Commodities Gold, Silver Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Cariboo
Capsule Geology

The Goat River vein showing (Hill zone) is located just south of Highway 16, approximately 35 kilometres northwest of McBride.

The area is underlain by phyllite, schists and minor quartzite of Hadrynian age. These rocks are likely part of the Kaza and/or Snowshoe groups.

The main showing consists of a 1.2-metre wide quartz-sulphide vein that contains 3 to 5 per cent coarse-grained pyrite, minor pyrrhotite and traces of chalcopyrite. The vein also comprises trace amount of sericite and several per cent of angular wallrock clasts. Several narrow quartz veins parallel the main structure and carry trace to 2 per cent sulphides. A 20-centimetre wide splay off the main vein was also noted. The main vein is exposed intermittently (or discontinuously) over a strike length of at least 250 metres.

PERS COMM R.A. Lane, May 12, 1997
EMPR PFD 883453